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Welcome to the TR1BE global community.

Membership connects you to a Conscious Community as well as to our members only portal, providing unlimited access to special videos, audio clips and other media from past workshops, classes and performances.

Find unique offerings to the community — art, song, poems, photos, thoughts, musings by members and friends — all flowing here.

What is a Conscious Community ?

A conscious community is a group of people who:

  • recognize their ability to experience the collective result of each individual’s commitment to healing and personal growth.

  • give mutual support and a willingness to encourage, share and collaborate, contributing their “highest and best”  creativity, awareness, and integrity.

  • are always seeking ways to increase the expression of unconditional love through intention and connection.

Catch some snippets and teasers from our past workshops below. If you would like to see each program in its entirety, become a member now!
