Reclaiming Shamanic Dreaming From the Roots of Western Culture
by: Ryan Hurd
Fly through the heavens, make love with beautiful honey-skinned goddesses, and impress friends by folding a city on top of itself a la Inception.
These are the familiar advertisements for lucid dreaming; we know them well. Sure, these things can be achieved in dreams in which we are self-aware, but they are weak analogs to the shamanic context that our ancestors and cultural forebearers provided for dreams and visions.
Dreaming can be more than a reflection of our fears and desires. Actually, dreaming is a shamanic technology. The skills to dream for healing, guidance, and power — the classic domains of shamanism — lay hidden in our own Western culture.
See the full article on Reality Sandwich’s website here.
Check out curated playlists for dreaming, meditating, chilling, tripping, healing . . .